Did you know that the oceans high and low tides are caused by the moon?
As our bodies are made up of over 70% water, the gravitational pull of the moon has the same effect on humans as it does the ocean waves.
The moon can affect our mood, sleep, health and even fertility.
The Lunar Cycle is often used to release or bring things into our lives.
The New Moon is a time for bringing new things into your life and the Full Moon is a time for healing and releasing what isn't wanted or needed.
On a Full Moon, it is important to cleanse, release, heal and balance emotions so you are ready to attract new things into life during the next Lunar phase, the New Moon.
The energy of the Full Moon is high for up to three days before and after the time that the moon is at her fullest.
For example, if the Full Moon is at 4am, 8th December, the best day to carry out the Full Moon Ceremony would be 9th December although the moons energies are potent up until 4am, 11th December.
The moons energy is also strong 3 days before the Full Moon, in this case from 4am, 5th December although as she is not full, it is not the best time for releasing.
The Full Moon Ritual...
1- Light a candle.
This opens up the ceremony and connects to the divine. Take a moment to center yourself taking deep, long and slow breaths to clear your mind
2- Smudge
Cleanse yourself using Sage or Palo Santo. Waft the smoke all over your body, remember to include the soles of your feet as this cleanses the connection between ourselves and Mother Earth. Also focus on the Chakras, visualising the colour of each Chakra as you waft smoke over associated body parts.
Next cleanse your space, this could be your intimate space where you are carrying out the ceremony and even better if you can smudge your entire home! Pay special attention to corners, windows, doors and any tight spaces that trap energy.
When smudging, always open up windows to allow the negative ions to release.
3- Journal
Journaling is so important, it helps to keep track of your life and it's great to look back and see how far you have come! Each Full Moon has different powers depending on what sign the moon is in.
The Gemini Full Moon is a moon for reflecting, releasing and recharging. It is also a moon that is all about choices, a choice that you will have to make and learn where you are meant to be to open up a new path.
When journaling, you can write about your week, month, whatever works for you. Answering Journal Prompts associated with the current moon is a great way to help you navigate your future.
I follow astrologists Kirsty Gallagher and Yasmin Boland to help assist with Journal Prompts.
A few examples...
'What are you celebrating since the last Full Moon'? (always a good prompt to start)
'If negative thoughts are my enemy, what should my mind be focusing on?'
'What upset am I ready to heal?'
'What am I releasing on this Full Moon?'
Write three affirmations to help achieve future goals
Journal prompts help with the next steps of knowing what you want to release.
4- Release
On separate pieces of paper (I like to use post-it notes), write what you would like to release.
This could be, 'I want to release negative self-talk'.
Using a heat-proof dish, burn the piece of paper. As it becomes ash, turn it into a positive affirmation, 'I love myself and I am proud of who I am'.
Once you have done the above steps for each note, sprinkle salt over the ashes. This banishes the negativity from your life and cleanse your spirit.
5- Cleanse, Programme and Charge Crystals Crystals should be cleansed every couple of weeks otherwise their energy becomes stagnant.
Cleanse crystals under cold water or with Sage/Palo Santo depending on the crystals properties (not all crystals can be doused in water).
Once cleansed, the next step is to programme the crystals. Hold them in your left hand, one-by-one, bring it to your heart center and affirm to the crystal how you would like it to work for you.
For my Pyrite (crystal of luck) I would affirm, 'thank you for bringing me luck and abundance daily'.
Once crystals are cleansed and programmed, put them on the window ledge or even better outside to charge under the Full Moon's energy. In the morning your crystals will be highly vibrant!
6- Meditation
You will now be feeling high spirited, fresh, revitalised and ready for a new start. Re-center and ground yourself.
Say the affirmations that you wrote in your journal with meaning and power. Feel into them, like it's already happened and use visualisations to help enhance the power of feeling what you want.
And most importantly... Give gratitude for everything in life and all that is coming your way.
More Full Moon Activities...
A Full Moon Bath is a great way to focus on meditation and visualisations. Surround yourself with Sage, Crystals and Candles. Bliss!
Moon Water is also very commonly used. Place some clean water on the window ledge or outside whilst the moon is in its potent phase. You can programme the water with affirmations then drink it the next day. You can also use moon water to water your plants, cleanse your crystals or have it daily in your tea/coffee to keep the energy flowing.
The Full Moon is often celebrated with a Cacao Ceremony. Cacao increased blood flow to the brain, advancing focus and awareness to self-reflection, facilitating a spiritual awakening. The Cacao may be part of a meditation, ecstatic dance or just to help feelings surface which is useful when journaling.