In the Western world, Yoga is known for physical exercise.
However, Yoga is a science and a complete philosophy of life.
It is a detailed methodology to connect with our highest truth, live with intention, and to make choices that serve our highest good. Through yoga, we come back to our true nature
Yoga originated in India in
800 BC - 400 AD. Yoga was first written about by the sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras (196 short texts based on the Philosophy of Yoga).
The original name of Yoga is ‘Yog’
Yog means ‘to unite’
Therefore, Yoga = to unite.
To unite what?...
Union of inner being,
to all the beings,
in order to get connected with the supreme beings’.
Simply put…Union of the body, mind, soul and universal consciousness.
There are six main branches of Yoga. The goal of unity can be achieved through each type of yoga practice.
1- Raja Yoga- King Yoga Disconnecting from the ego to focus on meditation and contemplation
2- Karma Yoga- The path of selfless action
Selfless service whilst remaining detached from actions
3- Jnana Yoga- The path of wisdom and knowledge
Self-study, self-realisation
4- Mantra Yoga- Yoga of sound
Using sound through syllables, words, or phrases to center yourself and connect to the divine
5- Bhakti yoga- The path of devotion
Chanting and kirtan to the devoted. Cultivating acceptance, tolerance, and love for all beings

6- Hatha Yoga- Physical Yoga
Using the body as a vehicle of transformation through postures that focus on energy and movement of the body
As well as the 6 types of practices, there are also The 8 Limbs of Yoga written by Patanjali. These limbs are spiritual, mental, or physical practices that build on each other to help you achieve the next stage until reaching the final goal
1. Yama
External, social restraints and moral codes of yoga.
E.g; Non-violence, truthfulness, celibacy
2. Niyama
Internal observances, rules, and guideline.
E.g; Cleanliness, self-discipline, self-reflection, contentment
3. Asana
The physical side of yoga.
Postures that initiated as a meditative pose but in recent years developed into exercise
4. Pranayama
Breathing exercises.
Various breathing patterns that control breath and improves physical and mental health

5. Pratyahara
The withdrawal of senses.
Disengaging your mind from external disturbances
6. Dharana
The mental concentration and focusing the mind.
This could be on a physical or visualising an object.
7. Dhyana
Meditation and focus on a single point.
Being completely immersed that it becomes a part of your consciousness.
8. Samadhi
Bliss or enlightenment.
The highest state of consciousness achieved
through meditation. The self, the mind, and the object of meditation merge
together into one.
So is modern Yoga not Yoga?…
Modern Yoga as we know in the Western world, originated from Hatha Yoga and has since developed into many different variations creating new forms of Yoga
What is Hatha Yoga?…
Ha= Solar (sun and masculine energy, right side of body)
Tha= Lunar (moon and feminine energy, left side of body)
Hatha Yoga unifies the solar and lunar sides of the body through regular practice of asanas (physical postures).
When union is achieved, the mind, body and soul works in perfect harmony bringing balance and health.
Our body's are quite similar to day and night,
the sun and moon,
working together in nature.
